I Can’t Call You “Al”

Will I ever stop reading “AI” (aka artificial intelligence) as “Al” (some guy named Al)?  It gets me every time!  I start reading an article and become so puzzled at headlines like:

“16 reasons why top researchers are obsessed with AI”, or

“AI ‘just an ordinary part of our lives,’ already optimizing business operations, says researcher”, or

“Mattel is already launching the ultimate AI for your child”

Who is this Al character?, I wonder each time.  Inevitably, the article will spell out the acronym and I will realize once again I thought I was reading about Al, the one-name phenomenon (a la “Oprah” or “Cher”).  You’d think since this keeps happening I would not be taken in the next time, but, nope. This morning I was puzzling over an RSS feed topic, “Al and Learning.”  Who’s Al?, I wondered.  The new Secretary of Education?

Ugh.  Hopefully they are building machines to learn from experiences better than I do!

One thought on “I Can’t Call You “Al”

  1. I realized that part of my issue is so many pages use sans serif fonts. In the serif font on my blog, the “feet” and “hat” of the capital I are clear as day.

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